Tag Archives: youtube video

Downloading Video from YouTube using Python

YouTube is a rich source of videos and downloading videos from YouTube is a little difficult. There are some extensions and downloaders available but those are sometimes not recommended. But in Python, it is quite easy to download video from YouTube.

So, in this blog we will learn how to download videos from YouTube directly using video link.

  • To download videos from YouTube, we will use a python library named ‘pytube’. First you need to install ‘pytube’ using following command.
  • Now we are having all necessary libraries required for this task. Now import the required module from ‘pytube’ library.
  • The only thing that you will need from video is it’s video link.
  • Then create an object of the earlier imported module ‘YouTube’ using this video link.
  • After getting object we need to get stream and from that get the first result of the stream which will be our required video.
  • Now we have our video stream, to download it just call the following function.

The above code will download the video in the current working directory with the name of the video as it was in the YouTube. To download it to a specific folder with specific name you need pass two arguments in the above code as below.

That was a simple code to download videos from YouTube. Hope you enjoy reading.

If you have any doubt/suggestion please feel free to ask and I will do my best to help or improve myself. Good-bye until next time.

Scraping Video Information from YouTube

Web scraping is a way to extract information from the internet in an automated fashion. We all know that YouTube is a huge resource of data having tons of videos with their relative information’s like views, comments, etc.In this blog we will learn how to use web scraping in python to extract video information from YouTube search. In video information we will extract number of views and video heading appeared in search results.

To get started with this, we first need to install two important libraries. First is ” requests ” to get the response from a YouTube search result and other is ” Beautiful Soup ” to parse this response into html content.

Now we have install the required libraries, let’s get started.

  • Import the libraries
  • Whenever you search in YouTube, it creates a base search URL and then adds your search query into that URL to complete the it. Let say we search ” theailearner ” in the YouTube. Base search URL and query can be defined as follows.
  • Now, we will scrape the data from this URL using ” requests ” library.
  • Once we scraped the data, we will parse it into HTML using beautiful soup and find all the videos information resulted in search result. To extract particular information we will use particular class from HTML data.
  • The above used soup.findall() function will give the required data, but to make it easily understandable we need to run a simple python script.


Now you might have got some feeling about how to scrape data from YouTube. We can also scrape the other data from YouTube like video information from a channel, comments in a video, likes and dislikes and etc.

Hope you enjoy reading.

If you have any doubt/suggestion please feel free to ask and I will do my best to help or improve myself. Good-bye until next time.