Contour Tracing

In the previous blogs, we discussed various image segmentation methods which result in partitioning the image into sub-regions. Now, the next task is to represent and describe these regions in a form suitable further image processing tasks such as pattern classification or recognition, etc. One can represent these regions either in terms of the boundary (external feature) or in terms of the pixels comprising the regions (internal feature). So, in this blog, we will discuss one such representation known as Contours.

Contours in simple terms is a curve joining all the continuous points (along the boundary), having some similar property such as intensity. Once the contours are extracted, we can use them for shape analysis, and various object detection and recognition tasks, etc. So, let’s discuss different contour tracing (i.e. detecting the boundary of a region) algorithms. Some of the most common algorithms are

Square Tracing algorithm

This was one of the first approaches to extract contours and is quite simple. Suppose background is black (0’s) and object is white (1’s). Start iterating over the binary or segmented image row by row starting from left to right. If you detect white pixel (i.e. 1) go left otherwise go right. Here, left and right direction is subjective to how you entered that pixel. Stopping condition is if you entered the starting pixel a second time in the same manner you entered it initially. This works best with 4-connectivity as it only checks left and right and misses diagonal directions.

Moore Boundary Tracing algorithm

Start iterating row by row from left to right. Then traverse the 8-connected components of the object pixel found in the clockwise direction from the background pixel just before the object pixel. Stopping criteria is same as above. This removes the above method limitations.

Radial Sweep

This is similar to the Moore algorithm. After performing the first step of Moore algorithm, draw a line segment connecting the two object pixels found. Rotate this line segment in the clockwise direction until an object pixel is found in the 8-connectivity. Again draw the line segment and rotate. Stopping criteria is when you encounter the starting pixel, a second time, with the same next pixel. For a demonstration, please refer to this.

These are some of the few algorithms for contour tracing. In the next blog, we will discuss the Suzuki’s Algorithm one that OpenCV uses for finding and drawing contours. Hope you enjoy reading.

If you have any doubt/suggestion please feel free to ask and I will do my best to help or improve myself. Good-bye until next time.

References: Wikipedia, Imageprocessingplace

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