In the previous blog, we discussed what is OCR with some real-life applications. But we didn’t get into the detail of how the OCR works. So, in this blog, let’s understand the general pipeline used by most OCR systems. Let’s get started.
OCR Pipeline
The general OCR pipeline is shown below.

As you might have noticed, this is almost similar to how we humans recognize the text. For instance, given an image containing text, we first try to locate the text and then recognize it. This is done so fast by our eye and brain combo that we hardly even notice it.
Now, let’s try to understand each pipeline component in detail, although, it’s pretty clear from their names. Let’s take the following image as an example and see what happens at each component.

Image Pre-processing
If you have ever done any computer vision task, then you must know how important this pre-processing step is. This simply means making the image more suitable for further tasks. For instance, the input image may be corrupted with noise or is skewed or rotated. In any of these cases, the next pipeline components may give erroneous results and all your hard work goes in vain. Thus, it is always necessary to pre-process the image to remove such deformities.
As an example, I’ve corrupted the below image with some salt and pepper noise and also added some rotation. If this image is passed as it is, this will give erroneous results in further steps. So, before passing we need to correct it for noise and rotation. This corrected image is shown on the right. Don’t worry, we will discuss in detail how this correction is done.

Text Detection
Text detection, as clear from the name, simply means finding the regions in the image where text can be present. This is clearly illustrated below. See how the green color bounding boxes are drawn around the detected text regions.

Text Detection has been an active research topic in computer vision. Most of the text detection methods developed so far can be divided into conventional (e.g. MSER) and deep-learning based (e.g. EAST, CTPN, etc.). Don’t worry, if you have never heard about these. We will be covering everything in detail in this series.
Text Recognition
In the previous step, we segmented out the text regions. Now, we will recognize what text is present in those segments. This is known as Text Recognition. So, what we will do is, pass each segment one-by-one to our text recognition model that will output the recognized text. Also, we keep a track of each segment bounding box coordinates. This will be helpful while we do restructuring.
In general, this step outputs a text file that contains each segment’s bounding box coordinates along with the recognized text. See the below image(right) that contains 3 columns i.e. the segment name, coordinates, and the recognized text.

Similar to text detection, this has also been an active research topic in computer vision. Several approaches have been developed for text recognition. In this series, we will be focussing mainly on the deep-learning based approaches which can be further divided into CTC-based and Attention-based. Again, don’t worry if you haven’t heard about these terms. We will be discussing these in detail in this series.
In the last step, we got the recognized text along with its position in the input image. Now, it’s time to restructure it. Restructuring simply means placing the text (according to the coordinates) similar to how it was in the input image. Simply iterate over each bounding box coordinate and put the recognized text. Take a look at the below image. Compare the structure of both the restructured and the original image. Both look almost similar.

Most of you might be wondering why do we need to do this or what’s the use of restructuring. So, let’s take a simple example to understand this. Suppose we want to extract the name from the below image.

To do this, we can simply tell the computer to extract the words following the word “Name:”. This can be easily done using Regex or any NLP technique. But what if you haven’t restructured the text. In that case, this would become cumbersome as it would involve iterating over the coordinates, first finding the word “Name:” coordinates then finding the next word coordinates that lie in the same line, and then extract the corresponding word. And if the name contains 2 or 3 words, this would take even more effort.
Hope you understand this, but if not, no worries, this will become more clear when we will discuss this in detail later.
So, this completes the OCR pipeline. Now, you can do anything with the extracted text. You can search, edit, translate it, or even convert it to speech. From the next blog, we will start discussing each of these pipeline components in detail. Till then, have a great time. Hope you enjoy reading.
If you have any doubts/suggestions please feel free to ask and I will do my best to help or improve myself. Good-bye until next time.