Gaming with Deep Learning

Hey, are you fond of playing video games?  Do you know neural networks can play video games too? In this era of vast applicability of neural networks, you can learn the working of neural networks by simply implementing it to play some video game.

What is on this blog?

In this blog, we will first learn how to build games using pygame and then see how neural nets can play these games.

Who should read this blog?

This blog is for those people who know the concepts of deep learning and has a good command in python and its deep learning libraries like tflearn, keras tensorflow etc. Here, we will do everything from scratch including data generation, training, and testing so you will get a good feel about how things go in machine learning.


  1. Creating Snake Game
    1. Developing a snake game from scratch using pygame.
    2. Snake Game Using Python Curses.
    3. Creating a Snake Game using OpenCV-Python
  2. Snake Game With Deep Learning
    1. Snake game with deep learning. (part -1)
    2. Snake game with deep learning  (Part -2)
  3. Snake Game with Genetic Algorithm
    1.  Genetic algorithm and its usage in the neural network
    2. Snake Game With Genetic Algorithm
    3. Selection of neural network architecture using a genetic algorithm.
  4. Snake Game using Real-Time Speech Recognition
  5. Snake Game using TensorFlow Object Detection API
    1. Snake Game Using Tensorflow Object Detection API Part I
    2. Snake Game Using Tensorflow Object Detection API – Part II
    3. Snake Game Using Tensorflow Object Detection API – Part III
    4. Snake Game Using Tensorflow Object Detection API – Part IV